you can make a difference in the life of a New Yorker in need today

run a food drive at work, at school or in your community
All HSI housing facilities have on-site emergency food pantries. But partnerships with Food Bank, City Harvest and Grow NYC only get us part of the the way there. We depend on community food drives for non-perishable items and other basic food staples to help feed the hungry. HSI tenants average income is only $10,575 annually. Each month many of the our tenants run out of food. Help us keep food on their plates!

start a fundraising campaign
Your voice is your and our most powerful fundraising tool. HSI needs people to spread the word about homelessness in NYC, the promise supportive housing brings to end it, then raise money to help us make a difference. Run an online auction for HSI through Bidding for Good, hold a fundraising event (virtual or in-person), or host our "collection house" in your office or place of business. 100% of funds go directly to the housing and services costs of someone in need.

tell your friends about us and on LinkedIn & X (formerly twitter)
The power of social media is in your hands! Go to your social media family/friends and help us spread the word and raise awareness. Join us on LinkedIn and follow us on twitter. While it is hard to walk by panhandlers who seem in crisis, research shows that the majority of money given to those begging on the streets goes to drugs and alcohol, actually perpetuating homelessness. Instead, lend your voice and support our work! It will make a lasting difference.

jobs, internships, and volunteer opportunities
We are looking for passionate and dedicated people to join our team. HSI is the culmination of a diverse and talented group of people doing many different tasks, from direct service, to front desk, maintenance, entitlement support, real estate development, fundraising and administration. What unites us all is a common vision - keeping individuals and families from returning to homelessness - and creating thriving communities where tenants, staff, and our network of friends can all learn, develop, and grow.